5. RMSF Analysis

RMSF is a measure of the deviation of the position of a particle i with respect to a reference position over time.

Difference between RMSD and RMSF: The latter is averaged over time, giving a value for each particle i. For the RMSD the average is taken over the particles, giving time specific values. So RMSD is time specific and RMSF is atom specific (ref).

This module aims on finding which are the most differentiating residues of the two classes based on their RMSF. To achieve that I followed two paths:

5.1. Top and High RMSF Analysis

We define as High-k, the k residues that had the highest RMSF on their respective class. This creates two lists of residues, one for each class.

We define as Top-k, the k residues that had the biggest abs(high_k_class1 - high_k_class2).

MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis.corr_matrix(analysis_actors_dict, method='pearson', top=290, start=0, stop=2500)

Creates a correlation matrix of the RMSF which has #agonists + #antagonists x #agonists + #antagonists dimensions. The correlation values are calculated on the RMSF values of the top-k residues. On the output DataFrame the ligand names have only their first 5 characters for visual reasons.

The result is not in a readable format and could be passed in MDSimsEval.utils.render_corr_df.


This method should be deleted / refactored. I suggest using MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.create_correlation_df

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • method (str) – pearson, kendall, spearman

  • top (int) – The top-k residues that will be used for the correlation calculations

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations


A pd.DataFrame which has the pair correlations of all the ligands

MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis.create_bar_plots_avg_stde(analysis_actors_dict, dir_path, top=50, start=0, stop=2500)

The method will create two plots (one for the agonists and one for the antagonists). The plot will have the avg rmsf per residue and the standard error of the mean. The color of the bars of the top-k |agon_rmsf_avg - antagon_rmsf_avg| RMSF residues are plotted in a different color so as to be easily distinguished.

rmsf corr figure missing

Barplots of average RMSF per residue, click for higher resolution.

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • dir_path (str) – The path of the directory the plot will be saved (must end with a /)

  • top (int) – The top-k residues that will be plotted with a different color

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis.find_high_k(analysis_actors_dict, start=0, stop=2500, k=10, rmsf_cache=None)

Returns two DataFrames for each class with the residues that had the highest average RMSF on the specified window.

from MDSimsEval.utils import create_analysis_actor_dict
from MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis import find_high_k

analysis_actors_dict = create_analysis_actor_dict('/path_to_dataset/') # Read Agonists/Antagonists

agon_df, antagon_df = find_high_k(analysis_actors_dict, 500, 1000, 20, None)

# Printing the DataFrame of the residues that had the highest average RMSF across the agonists
    ResidueId     RMSF Res Name
0       116.0  3.63539      ARG
1       117.0  3.31561      PHE
2         0.0  3.01161      THR
3       200.0  2.86724      ARG
4       199.0  2.84393      CYS
5       114.0  2.78910      HIE
6         1.0  2.78634      HIE
7       198.0  2.76465      LEU
8         2.0  2.47342      LEU
9       203.0  2.44867      GLN
10      115.0  2.41584      SER
  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • k (int) – The number of the top residues that will be included in the returned DataFrame

  • rmsf_cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept


A tuple of 2 pd.DataFrame['ResidueId', 'RMSF', 'Res Name'] of the high-k residues, where on RMSF column we have the residues with the highest average RMSF. The first DataFrame is for the 1st class (in our case Agonists and the second one for the 2nd class (in our case Antagonists).

MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis.find_top_k(analysis_actors_dict, start=0, stop=2500, k=10, rmsf_cache=None)

Returns a DataFrame with the residues that had the biggest absolute difference between agonists and antagonists on their average RMSF [abs(agon_avg_rmsf_per_residue - antagon_avg_rmsf_per_residue)].

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • k (int) – The number of the top residues that will be included in the returned DataFrame

  • rmsf_cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept


A pd.DataFrame['ResidueId', 'RMSF', 'Res Name'] of the top-k residues, where on RMSF column we have absolute difference.


Having the series of resnumbs eg [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, …, 290, 290] and their respective RMSF create buckets (each bucket represents a residue) and calculate the average RMSF of each residue


ligand (AnalysisActor.class) – The AnalysisActor object on which we have calculated the RMSF


The average RMSF of each residue

Return type


MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis.reset_rmsf_calculations(analysis_actors_dict, start, stop, cache=None)

Resets the RMSF calculations of all the ligands in the analysis_actors_dict and recalculates them on the given window.

This function could be part of the AnalysisActor class but in order to keep the class simple I have avoided it.

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept

MDSimsEval.rmsf_analysis.stat_test_residues(analysis_actors_dict, stat_test=<function ttest_ind>, threshold=0.05, start=-1, stop=-1)

Finds the most differentiating residues based on a statistical test on their RMSF. If start==-1 and stop==-1 then we do not recalculate RMSF on the given window.

For example on the T-test we have:
Null Hypothesis: The RMSFs of a specific residue have identical average (expected) values


I suggest firstly using the Bootstrapped RMSF Analysis which provides a more time consuming but also more generalized way of finding the most significant residues.

  • analysis_actors_dict – : { "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • stat_test (scipy.stats) – A statistical test method with the interface of scipy.stats methods

  • threshold (float) – The p-value threshold of the accepted and returned residues

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations


A list of tuples of the residue ids (0-indexed) that had below the threshold p-value, the p_value. Eg [(10, 0.03), (5, 0.042), ...]

5.2. Bootstrapped RMSF Analysis

Bootstrapped RMSF analysis aims on finding the most significant residues which their RMSF helps us differentiate our two classes. It differs from the Top and High Analysis above since it uses good data science practises to avoid overfitting and providing with an evaluation of how general enough are our results.

More on the method used to achieve this can be found on bootstrapped_residue_analysis function below.

from MDSimsEval.utils import create_analysis_actor_dict

from MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis import bootstrapped_residue_analysis
from MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis import sensitivity_calc

analysis_actors_dict = create_analysis_actor_dict('path_to_data_directory/')

# Find the most significant residues per iteration
significant_res_per_iter = bootstrapped_residue_analysis(analysis_actors_dict, windows=[[0, 500], [500, 1000]],
                           stat_test=stats.ks_2samp, threshold=0.05, input_size=12, replacement_size=8,
                           iterations=100, replacements=1)

# Calculate the sensitivity of the residues that are significant on at least one iteration
sensitivity = sensitivity_calc(significant_res_per_iter)

# Create a histogram of the most significant residues
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

# Flatten the sets of significant residue to a single list
flat_res = [residue for iteration_residues in res for residue in iteration_residues]

plt.hist(flat_res, bins=np.arange(292))    # Hardcoded number of residues

plt.xlabel("Residue Id", fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel("Number of Appearances", fontsize=18)
plt.title("Histogram of Significant Residues on 1 - 500 OR 501 - 1000", fontsize=18)
plt.xlim(0, 291)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 292, 25))
plt.ylim(0, 110)

plt.hlines(y=100, xmin=0, xmax=291, color='red', linestyles='dashed', label="Number of Iterations")




rmsf hist of sign residues missing

Histogram of significant residues from bootstrapped method

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.bootstrapped_residue_analysis(analysis_actors_dict, start, stop, stat_test, threshold, samples_numb, sample_size, rmsf_cache=None)

Generate samples_numb random samples that each one will have sample_size agonists and sample_size antagonists. Then perform a statistical test on the RMSFs of each residue of the agonists vs the RMSFs of each residue of the antagonists. If the difference is significant save the residue as important for the specific iteration.

Finally, return the significant residues on each iteration

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • stat_test (scipy.stats) – A statistical test method with the interface of scipy.stats methods

  • threshold (float) – The p-value threshold of the accepted and returned residues

  • samples_numb (int) – How many random samples will be generated

  • sample_size (int) – How many ligands each sample will have of each class. Eg if sample_size=10 then each sample will have 10 agonists and 10 antagonists

  • rmsf_cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept


A list of samples_numb sets. Each sets contains the ResidueId of the residues that were significant on the specific iteration

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.create_correlation_df(analysis_actors_dict, residue_ids, method, start, stop, rmsf_cache=None)

Creates a numb_of_ligands x numb_of_ligands dataframe which has the pair correlations calculated on the rmsf of the given residue_ids.

The result is not in a readable format and could be passed in MDSimsEval.utils.render_corr_df.

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • residue_ids – List of residue ids that we want the correlation on

  • the top-k (Eg) –

  • high-k

  • statistically significant. (most) –

  • method (str) – pearson, kendall, spearman

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • rmsf_cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept


A pd.DataFrame which has the pair correlations of all the ligands

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.find_rmsf_of_residues(analysis_actors_dict, which_residues, start, stop, rmsf_cache)

This method finds and returns the RMSFs of each agonist and antagonist of the input residues.

  • analysis_actors_dict{ "Agonists": List[AnalysisActor.class], "Antagonists": List[AnalysisActor.class] }

  • which_residues – List of residue ids that we will return their RMSF value

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • rmsf_cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept


An ndarray of shape numb_of_agonist + numb_of_antagonists, which_residues_length containing the RMSF of each ligand of the input residue ids

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.initialize_pools(ligands_list, total_ligands=20, set_ligands=12)

Inputs a list of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor objects and returns initial input and replacement sets of the given size.

  • ligands_List – List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor objects

  • total_ligands (int) – How many ligands will be used in the experiment (input + replacement sets sizes)

  • set_ligands (int) – How many ligands will be on the initial input set. The rest of them will be on the

  • set (replacement) –


Tuple of (List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor that will be our initial input set,
List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor that will be our initial replacement set)

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.minimal_stat_test(agonists, antagonists, stat_test, start, stop, threshold=0.05, cache=None)

Inputs a list of agonists and a list of antagonists and finds the most significant residues. We do not return the p_value but only the residue ids.


RMSF calculations are cached to avoid recalculating them. In order to use the caching mechanism we give as an argument an empty dictionary {}.

  • agonists – List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor agonists

  • antagonists – List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor antagonists

  • stat_test (scipy.stats) – A statistical test method with the interface of scipy.stats methods

  • start (int) – The starting frame of the calculations

  • stop (int) – The stopping frame of the calculations

  • threshold (float) – The p-value threshold of the accepted and returned residues

  • cache – Dictionary with key ligand_name_start_stop and value the RMSF run result. If set to None no cache will be kept

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.plot_hists_summary(bootstrapped_results, residue_numb, dir_path, top_k=50)

Plots a histogram which summarizes which residues were found significant and on how many samples on each window. The colors go from black (1st window) to yellow (5th window). In case of a residue being important on more than 1 window, the bars are stacked in chronological order (from the earlier windows to the later ones). The height of the bars shows the number of samples the residue was statistically important.

On the legend the word thresh specifies the number of samples a residue must be found significant in, in order to be included in the top-k most significant residues.


Currently the function expects five windows of 500 frames each (0 - 500, 500 - 1000, …, 2000 - 2500).


from MDSimsEval.utils import create_analysis_actor_dict
from MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis import bootstrapped_residue_analysis
from MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis import plot_hists_summary

from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import random

# Read the data
analysis_actors_dict = create_analysis_actor_dict('path_to_dataset_roor_folder')

# Do not use all the ligands so as to have a validation set
agonists_train = random.sample(analysis_actors_dict['Agonists'], 20)
antagonists_train = random.sample(analysis_actors_dict['Antagonists'], 20)

bootstrapped_results = []
for start in np.arange(0, 2500, 500):
    res = bootstrapped_residue_analysis({"Agonists": agonists_train, "Antagonists": antagonists_train},
                                        start, start + 500, stats.ks_2samp, threshold=0.05, samples_numb=1000,

# Here it is suggested to save the bootstrapped_results on disk using pickle so as to avoid
# recalculating them

plot_hists_summary(bootstrapped_results, residue_numb=290, dir_path='path_to_save_dir/', top_k=50)
rmsf multi colored hists missing

Output plot of the above script, click for higher resolution

  • bootstrapped_results – A list of bootstrapped_residue_analysis results for each window

  • residue_numb (int) – The total number of residues in the RMSF selection

  • dir_path (str) – The path of the directory the plot will be saved (must end with a /)

  • top_k (int) – How many residues to include in order of significance

MDSimsEval.rmsf_bootstrapped_analysis.replacement_swap(input_set, replacement_set, numb_of_replacements=1)

Performs given number of swaps between the input_set and the replacement_set.The swaps are inplace.

  • input_set – List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor that is our input set

  • replacement_set – List of MDSimsEval.AnalysisActor that is our replacement set

Inputs the output of bootstrapped_residue_analysis and calculates the sensitivity of each residue.
The returned sensitivity of each residue is calculated by calculating residue_appearances / iterations.
A sensitivity of 1 is ideal meaning that the residue was significant to all the iterations.


sign_residues_per_iter – A list of sets containing the residue ids of the significant residues on each iteration


A dictionary of ResidueId(key), Sensitivity(value) for all the residues that appeared at least on one iteration